Thanks Barbara! - super helpful! I wonder .. did you write this specifically for me??? :)

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Oh man, I wrote it to me but I definitely remember thinking of you at least once while I was writing it! Its such a struggle I relate to! I still owe you a Miro review - one day I will catch up on all my things! haha

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I don't know how many folks are aware of SMART goals (at least with the acronym). I only found out about the concept a few years ago from—subject of my post from today'—Dr. Taylor Marshall.

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Ah, I must be deep in the productivity pool, thinking it was more common knowledge than it is!

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This was great for me to read right now, thank you! I've recently de-prioritized some projects to focus more on "one thing" for awhile, and your article is helping me feel a lot better about it. Cheers.

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