This was the kick in the butt I needed to make an action plan for my future!

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I love it! Get started and you will get where you want to go - its just a matter of time :)

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The RV Carnivore project for me is exactly what you're describing. Any idea without some goal and defined time target will only be a dream. August 2022 was the idea, Nov was the drawn concept, Winter 2023 I peeled the first factory decal from the rv. That was the point of no return for me. Then KetoCon was my defined launch time, so I had to get it all done: the rv, the website, the social media. And now, it's all playing out in grassroots organic form.

You know how to eat an elephant? One bite at a time. Sir Charles Branson started 400 companies before he got into space.

Nice work Barbara!


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Never knew you can write! Colloquial but powerful. Looking forward to more writing! ♥️

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Well written and timeless. Applies for starting and re-starting alike in my opinion.

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