You may or may not have noticed my silence over the last two weeks - what started as "ugh, I'm just too busy this week to write" soon became "nothing I write matters anyway" spiral into "shoot, now if I write, it has to be really good” and we all know how that story ends.
I’m here to “start again” - not only for myself but if anything, mostly to model it for my clients (which, as an ENFJ, is my biggest motivator anyway). What have you been struggling to restart?
My fitness journey has also been cyclical - I remember starting strong in November 2021 and went to the gym consistently for a long time. I dropped off and lost motivation the following spring, so when summer hit, I really struggled to get back on the horse. For some reason, I dreaded the gym so much more that second go-around - which is why I hired a trainer. I knew I needed something more than my own willpower to get over that hump.
This could easily segue into “this is why you hire a coach” so I can pitch my services - but if you don’t have the resources right now to do that, here are some other ideas to get yourself back in the saddle:
Find a friend with similar goals and promise to text each other every time you do the thing. Better yet, meet them somewhere to do the thing together (if the activity lends itself to that sort of in-person accountability).
Schedule the time on your calendar for the thing. Set alarms. Tell your partner. Remove barriers to doing it (like setting out clean gym clothes next to your bed the night before), and/or try to find the best time of day to get it done (getting my writing done first thing in the morning is a better bet than waiting until late at night).
Post on social media. Its a big loud “look I did the thing!” to everyone who follows you - with the potential of any number of them asking “what happened?” if you ever stop. Lots of my friends with huge followings started their accounts as accountability posts and just grew from there.
I hope this gives you some things to try, but as always: if you are looking for more help, more hand holding, or fun group calls to participate in, you should consider getting a coach! Email me at to explore what that could look like.
Sometimes its easier to do something then it is to make the excuses for not doing something.
Unless you work for Giant Corporate Entity... then a single call to your boss can set off a nuclear chain reaction that can reverberate throughout the company for days. Great fun for sure, but if you just would have done it to begin it'd be done by now.
Accountability is key!!